
Tags: distributed systems,second systems
Are Second Systems Inevitable
Maybe first and second systems exist because at some point work stops and the system gets frozen in space, and if we could just keep constantly evolving the "first system" we could avoid "second systems" entirely.
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Tags: python,fastapi,starlette
What Cost Convenience: FastAPI and the Responsibility for Others' Opinions
I believe a lot of open source project popularity is based on convenience. If libraries make certain actions convenient then developers will often overlook the effort to customize behaviors from the library.
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Tags: python,Opentelemetry,Sqlalchemy
Oh no opentelemetry! Memory leaks in instrumenting Sqlalchemy
It's weird when half a dozen people are looking at the diff saying "All we did was add Open Telemetry! We've added it to over a dozen projects now!"
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Tags: python
A Little Disassembling
The other day at work someone asked me on Slack why their Python code was behaving in an odd way. I took a look and was completely wrong in my first response.
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Tags: python,http
Understanding Python's ASGI Spec
The ASGI spec is a readable document and by following it and we can build a basic web service.
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